Have you come across an fantastic ideas but put off the ideas away when you start questioning yourself whether you can do it or not? Yet after some time, you saw your ideas implemented by someone else in another place. That will be the time you feel sad and wondered what if you have done it somehow.
Let us take a look at a sharing by an insurance thought leader.
No certification, training, book, or program will determine if you are ready to take the next step in anything. Sometimes, you just have to jump!
In 2012, I was asked to speak in front of 100 agents at a top Midwest insurance agency. This was not only a top-notch insurance agency with explosive growth, but this was an agency I previously worked for from 2000–2004.
That meant several of the attendees in the audience would be my peers and former co-workers. Many of these peers were highly successful and had acted as mentors for me when I started my insurance career. What in the world could I possibly offer them that they didn’t already know? How would I add value to them?
Although I had a life long wish to become a speaker and command the stage, I had never done it before. I was scared to death and a huge part of me told myself that I simply was not ready. I thought about telling the event organizer that I wouldn’t be able to speak that day, but I knew I couldn’t miss out on this opportunity so I agreed and committed to speak to the group.
I prepared as best I could and delivered a solid presentation. Afterwards, some of my peers who I was most nervous about congratulated and thanked me for the presentation. It was far from perfect, yet far better than I initially imagined.
Looking back at this event almost five years ago, I realized I learned a powerful lesson that day.
When you want something bad enough, there will be times when you will have to act in faith and confidence even when you think you are not ready.