Cholesterol is made by your liver. It is a fatty substance stored in your cells. Cholesterol is required as part of normal body function however, excessive cholesterol can lead you towards adverse life-threatening implications such as coronary diseases.
A simple fasting test known as Lipoprotein panel would give you insight on your cholesterol levels. Depending upon your family history and risk of getting cholesterol you should determine the frequency of the tests and monitoring the cholesterol levels.
There are two types of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol which means LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN CHOLESTROL and HDL cholesterol which stands for HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN CHOLESTROL. Triglycerides are another form of fat, which are not cholesterol, but are found in body especially in female body that increase the risk of fat.
HDL cholesterol are good cholesterols which helps to keep your arteries clean from clogging by fats. LDL cholesterol on the other hand is the bad cholesterol that causes arterial blockage. Ideally, for a person aged 20 or above should have HDL cholesterol 40mg/dL or higher while LDL should be less than 100mg/dL.
In case, you are looking for ways to manage your cholesterol without medication, we have some tried and tested suggestions for you. A minor change in lifestyle leads to important gains such as healthier physique and managed lipid profile.
Here are 13 ways to cut your cholesterol fast:
1. Exercise
The importance of having a physical activity in your routine is undeniable. It ensures healthy heart, strengthened muscles, and improved posture. Exercise also prevents the fat from accumulating in your body. Exercise helps to reduce LDL cholesterol and increase the levels of HDL cholesterol. As per the research, per week if a person achieves 150 minutes of moderate exercise, the activity is sufficient to help lower the body cholesterol. Walking is also beneficial for increasing the HDL cholesterol in the body. Intensifying the exercise by doing cardio will help in weight loss as well as burning the LDL cholesterol.
2. Watch Your Weight
If you are obesity struck, try to shed a couple of pounds. Obesity increases the chances of having high cholesterol. As per the research, per 10-pound excess of weight 10 mg excess cholesterol is produced by the body. However, losing weight can help you maintain the cholesterol production in the body.